Touching Userbase-collected Testimonials

I finally showered for the first time in two months, and now I’m crying
I know I’m gross, I know it’s disgusting, but my depression has been so bad for the past months I haven’t been able to get in the shower and do the whole thing.
It felt so overwhelming. I would usually wipe myself off with alcohol and wet wipes every day and wear my hair in a bun every day because my hair was so knotted
I couldn’t brush through it (not that I would want to because it was just a frizzy oily mess.) But today, I did it.

I’ve been cleaning all day. My roommate moved out recently, and I have another one moving in and I’ve gotten so much done today. I’m supposed to meet my new roommate
in a couple hours to give him the key and help him get situated. I hate the smell of cleaning products and my clothes were covered in them.
So I just said “fuck it, it’s time” I took a warm towel out of the dryer and wrapped myself in it while I brushed my hair for the first time in forever,
it took almost an hour and I lost so much hair but I haven’t been able to run my fingers through it in months so it was a relief to see I still have most of it on my head.
I put on a good video essay to watch and listen to while I’m in the shower and I did the whole damn thing. Washed and conditioned my hair with a deep conditioner,
exfoliated my whole body (holy shit there was so much dead skin), scrubbed everything, shaved, did my hair routine that I haven’t done in months.

I know it’s pathetic and stupid to be proud of myself for something so gross, but I’m crying seeing my curls again for the first time in forever, actually having my hair down,
my skin feels soft, and I put on some sweatpants and a t shirt that were still warm from the dryer and it just feels heavenly.
I’m typing this with blurry vision from the tears in my eyes and I just wanted to tell someone. No one in my life would understand and they would probably just think
I’m insane tbh so I’m just gonna be happy with myself here. I’m gonna go get ready to meet up with my new roommate now.
Girls do not poop

We have been fucking lied to, wasting men’s time with these female toilets and shit. Women just go in there to gossip, fix their makeup and hell, scissor.
I’ve never seen a girl poop in my life and this is the biggest lie perpetuated to us by the main stream media and Mrs Suzie lied to you in Biology class!!!
I have shit my pants in at least 2 occasions growing up, and when was the last time you ever heard of a girl shitting herself? Right? NEVER
Women don’t poop their release this perfume like scent which is intoxicating to men and these pheromones make us want them.
Make no mistake gentleman, cover your nose around these beautiful intoxicating women, they will trap you.

Seriously where can i masturbate???

I am a freshman in Binghamton dorms and one of my roommates is an international student who just skips class and plays League of Legends in our room for a literal minimum of
16 hours a day. He even gets his groceries delivered and eats all his meals at his desk so he literally never leaves the room for more than like 5 minutes
(10 minutes if he decides to shower that day). Aside from my room, the only other place that I thought I could masturbate in is the shared bathrooms,
but nutting on the public shower floor just seems so disgusting and heinous. It's been like 3 weeks at this point and I can literally feel a pressure inside my pubic region
whenever I sit down. Does anyone know a place I can go to masturbate? Seriously.